By nosleep - 05/02/2011 00:05 - Australia

Today, in the middle of the night, my fiancé started yelling gibberish in his sleep. When I tried to wake him, he punched me square in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 248
You deserved it 6 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DigitalKnight 0

You interrupted his conversation with the devil.


This is why you don't wake up someone when they're sleeping. At least, not by physical means.

Did you check if your purse is in the freezer yet? No? Well check your oven.

babyblue666 1

when they start to talk like that in there sleep wake them up by tapping their feet tgat way u wont get punched

You don't mess with people if they sound disturbed. My ex tried to cuddle with me while I was having a dream I was getting attacked... when I woke up his side of the bed was empty so I went to look for him... I found him on the couch looking all butt hurt cuz he got pushed off the bed.

Mourningstar 4

reminds me of that scene from stepbrothers

Horseyhannahlou 0

did you punch him back or did you dump him I would to be you