By nosleep - 05/02/2011 00:05 - Australia

Today, in the middle of the night, my fiancé started yelling gibberish in his sleep. When I tried to wake him, he punched me square in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 248
You deserved it 6 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DigitalKnight 0

You interrupted his conversation with the devil.


100 bucks says he wasnt really asleep. he just wanted to punch ops bitch face. no offense or anything of course

MrBond007_fml 6

we have all been there.... hahaha

perdix 29

Don't interrupt someone when they are taken by the Holy Spirit and are speaking in tongues. YDI for being an agent of Satan.

never wake up a sleepwalker/talker. I slepwalked once and my dad tried waking me up. I accidentally kneed him square in the balls thinking, like in my dream, someone was robbing me

Square in the balls.... Here we go again.... How in the world are your father's balls square? Balls not =to square!!!!

p.s. I was making fun of op by saying square in the balls. just so u know :T

riggens7522 0

never interrupt a man in the throes of gibberish