By Anonymous - 19/08/2012 05:30 - United States

Today, in the middle of the store, my daughter pointed at my belly and loudly announced that she was going to have a brother. I'm a man, and apparently I need to lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 769
You deserved it 5 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

The funny part is that your daughter is 27.

You "apparently" need to lose weight? Here's some free medical advice - if you can't see your feet, you're either pregnant or obese. Since you aren't pregnant, do the math.


ruabadfishtoo 0

Little kids tell the truth. It may be cruel, but it's the truth. Assuming the daughter is very young that is.

Kids can be cruel, but brutally honest! So take the hint.

mrnuleef 7

Oh the marvels of modern science! Oh wait, you're not pregnant? Its just your gut? You haven't been able to see your penis for how long? You need to lose some weight.

Did you have the heart to tell her you aren't pregos?

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I'm really sorry...I just couldn't stop laughing!

keven501 12

beer belly or do you need to lose weight?

I wonder if Perdix and DocBastard on on every post on this site... Everyone I go to, I see them... They are like FML ninjas.. Howww do they manage to do that?!