By FattyMcFatterson - 24/06/2009 02:37 - United States
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The people that blame their weight on their genetics disgust me too. Yes, it is to true that certain people are PREDISPOSITIONED to putting on weight. But ultimetly it is an individual choice whether or not you end up fat. Those gland problems where one has no choice in it exsist, but they're not very common. They've just become an excuse for every fatass who doesn't want to change their bad habits.
This is fake.
Fucken nasty shit.
I was gonna add another negative comment but I see you have sufficient hate going on. That's sad. :(
Some people can't help being over wight, thyroid(sp?) issues and such.
God I really dont even want to know at this point.
Too bad you are not a young stripper girl ... that would mean that someone gave you some spare change instead of 20 bucks ... the ass crack is really a mysterious world ...
Go for a run, imagine what might fall out of your fat :D
that's sad