By never ending story - 20/04/2018 13:00 - United States

Today, it doesn’t matter that I had major surgery on my hand 2 days ago and am supposed to be on bed rest with no hand movement for 3 weeks. According to my father and my husband, it doesn’t excuse me from wifely house duties and being the sole caretaker of our one-year-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 616
You deserved it 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boopingsnoot 24

1. Hire a babysitter 2. Kick hubby to the curb


It's too bad you didn't find out what an asshole your husband is before you bred with him. And your father sounds like a real prize. Just remind your misogynistic father that someday you will get to pick his nursing home, and he wants it to be a nice one.

404wan 19

seriously, if you are the sole care taker of your child and instead of having sex together you "perform wifely duties" (which by definition means your pleasure or even willingness means nothing) Why the **** do you need this shitstain? for money? divorce him and get child support, that's the amount of support he's providing you both anyway.

randybryant799 20

Did you not discuss this with your husband before you had the surgery?