By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 14:00 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it marks the fourth month since my 15-year-old cousin asked me out, then started practically stalking me when I said no. It's also the fourth month of my parents and his constantly telling me to stop overreacting and that it's "just a phase." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 191
You deserved it 3 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

I don't understand why parents just brush off weird behaviors like that rather than just addressing them.

Your parents should be taking this seriously, that's some seriously disturbing behaviour.


kim_larsa 5

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MzZombicidal 36

That is so wrong in so many ways. I say work on your self esteem a bit. It shouldn't take an incestuous infatuation to make you feel good about yourself.

And what kind of "phase" is that? Someone really needs to have a talk with him.

A phase, you know! As in, "Torturing squirrels and stray cats was just a *phase* for Jeffrey Dahmer."

honestly that's seriously sick and yours and his parents should both be appalled and be trying to seek mental help for him at 15 boys should know better, absolutely ridiculous you don't deserve that at all no one does I'm sorry you have to go through that by yourself

.............. ^^^ I found your periods

You need to sit him down and set him straight

My_Life24 22

Gross! Is he your first cousin?

It doesn't matter what cousin he is, if there isn't a good 500-1000 year gap, it's ****** up.

perdix 29

If you're over 28 and single, maybe you ought to give the guy a shot;)

What do you mean by "practically stalking"? Depending on what's really going on, your parents and his might be totally justified in telling you you're overreacting. On the other hand, his parents should definitely be discouraging him from making you uncomfortable. To let any sort of creepy behavior in your kid go unchecked is just bad parenting.

smcjunk17 2

The fact that the OP is from Alabama makes this so much funnier!!