By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 14:00 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it marks the fourth month since my 15-year-old cousin asked me out, then started practically stalking me when I said no. It's also the fourth month of my parents and his constantly telling me to stop overreacting and that it's "just a phase." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 191
You deserved it 3 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

I don't understand why parents just brush off weird behaviors like that rather than just addressing them.

Your parents should be taking this seriously, that's some seriously disturbing behaviour.


incoherentrmblr 21

In VA, USA it's legal to marry your first cousin. In West VA, USA, contrary to lewd popular belief, it's illegal.

beezy_2011 1

Same thing happened to me when I was 12, he's a year younger than me... our parents thought that it was "Cute" that he was "so attached" to me. I am now 20 and he no longer speaks to me because I kept shooting him down.. real cute.. I feel your pain, OP.

Eww! Im really sorry, no one should have to hear "it's just a phase" about a thing like that!

They're right though Ive been in his place And still sort of am (im 16) But i still wouldnt do what he did

CaliLoveFire 23

I've been through the same thing. It got to the point he would try pulling off my shirt. When I pushed him away I got yelled at my not only my mother but his as well because "its just a phase" and "he doesn't know better" he was 12. Obviously old enough to know better

xXToxicPenguinXx 12

that's just wrong. Still weird when people say you could actually date your second cousin however