By Anonymous - 06/02/2016 06:28 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, it's been five days since I started my new job in a new town, and just signed the lease on my new apartment too. Now I find out the company's closing down, and since I'm still on probation, I'm told I'm not entitled to any kind of severance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 609
You deserved it 1 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude that sucks. Shouldnt they have alerted you of that before you moved into the apartment there?

That sucks man, best of luck getting a new job soon though!


legendof90 14

Why would you. You just began there

Wow, way to let everything fall. Sorry, OP.

Probation meaning being new to the company and seeing if they are a good fit to the company, not probation as in OP being a felon. So no, this is not a YDI.

That's totally unfair!!! Good luck on finding one in the same town so you don't have to move again ??

Thats totally ****** up. You need to consult an attorney

I was working for an electrical company that had many projects on the go. I had been with them for a few years and decided it was time to propose to my 6 year girlfriend. I spoke to the owner making sure there wasn't any layoffs coming soon before I bought the ring and they assured me there wasn't. I bought he ring, proposed and they laid off 3/4's of the company, including myself. Companies are out for themselves and it sucks. I feel your pain OP.

WTF did they hire you if they're closing down it's only been five days it's not like they didn't know five days ago.