By Happy 20th! - 28/07/2010 05:48 - United States

Today, it's my 20th birthday! Happy birthday to me! My boyfriend threw a beer can through my back wind-shield after breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 794
You deserved it 4 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BananaSticker 0

I can only hope my 20th birthday is as cool as yours OP. Here's a banana sticker as your birthday present from me, though. :]


I don't understand where the "your not 21" part is coming from, like she deserves it because she's not of age. HE threw it through the I guess 20 year old females can't date 21 year old males??

to those who cannot understand why she deserves it.... well she deserves it for dating such a loser in the first place

bookbee 2

Happy Birthday to you! Congratulations on the dickectomy - it's the best present you could have received. Move on and don't make the same mistake again. You can't put a price on wisdom.

Jsalcedo23 0

6- everyone knows op means oranage panda

he's An ass why did he break up with you?

relaaxx 0

@228 are u fuked up in the head?

Guys normally don't do things like that. You're probably a bitch.

cnj8283 0

Was the beer frozen? That's the only way it would go through a car window...

hell If I were you I wouldve kicked him in his balls and stole his wallet to pay for a new window and then poured the beer on him: )