By thanks - 02/05/2014 18:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my 21st birthday. I got a call from my deadbeat dad, who I thought had finally mellowed and had something nice to say. Nope; he just told me I'm 21 years a disappointment, then hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 006
You deserved it 3 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op you don't f*cking need him, you're twenty one now, you came so far, good job


By 22, have a phone number he doesn't know. Family isn't worth having if all they do is hurt you. I hope you have other (great) people in your life. Your dad is the disappointment.

Hey man not trying to make this about me but my dad is the same way. He's a drunk and used to beat me and my mom while shouting lines from the Bible. I tried fixing things with him a couple years back but people like that rarely change. I cut him off and I'm better off because of it. Sometimes it's tough to let go even if they hurt us, but you'll be better off and a stronger person because of it. Sorry for your situation, but it'll get better. Happy birthday, cheers.

He is the disappointment if he treats his kid that way.

In my opinion, there is no point in keeping people who are so negative, who only make you feel terrible, in our lives. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the point in keeping them around knowing they will only hurt me. They are our weakest links, to that I say GOODBYE!

Aside from that, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!

21 and I bet that you're better than your dad will be. Don't let his negatives hurt you. You'll be a better dad because of him.

Some parents are assholes who are not fit to have children. So the children end up having to raise themselves. Keep your chin up, OP, and congrats on reaching the milestone Bday !

At least he remembered your birthday. I have a deadbeat dad that can't remember mine, or my age.

an3ph 20

OP, you have permission from all of us in the rest of the world to be happy, successful and never give your father another thought.