By thanks - 02/05/2014 18:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my 21st birthday. I got a call from my deadbeat dad, who I thought had finally mellowed and had something nice to say. Nope; he just told me I'm 21 years a disappointment, then hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 006
You deserved it 3 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op you don't f*cking need him, you're twenty one now, you came so far, good job


Do you get a call every year from him just saying that?

He's clearly not a dad, more or less a sperm doner. You don't need that shit OP. Forget him.

Happy birthday! A great prerogative of adulthood is choosing who's in your life, and who's not. If you've had enough of his bullshit, he can be a "not."

The fact that he's a deadbeat dad makes his argument moot and his whole self completely irrelevant.

I'm sorry OP I have the same problem, but my dad didn't even call me when I turned 21. I haven't even been around or heard from my dad in almost 20 years. So screw him OP he isn't worth it.

Oh hell no...what a loser of a dad!

I'm really, really sorry -- that just about breaks my heart. I agree with the other posters who say it's your dad that's the disappointment.