By thanks - 02/05/2014 18:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my 21st birthday. I got a call from my deadbeat dad, who I thought had finally mellowed and had something nice to say. Nope; he just told me I'm 21 years a disappointment, then hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 006
You deserved it 3 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op you don't f*cking need him, you're twenty one now, you came so far, good job


Oh, OP, ignore the YDI's. That's horrible. I have a father who acts the same way. We haven't seen each other for almost 10 years, and the last time we talked, I launched into a panic attack because he was constantly insulting me for everything. I pretend my Mom used a sperm donor. He's the disappointment, not you.

He's just like the teacher who says "You failed the test" and you look him in the eye and say "You failed to educate"