By wtf - 30/08/2011 12:16 - India

Today, it's my birthday. I've been dropping strong hints all year about wanting to learn to tap-dance, hoping for some decent tap shoes. Instead, I got a beekeepers outfit and some furry dice to hang on my wreck of a car's rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 553
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Olovio 5

Atleast yoy didn't get a bloody handjob!

Buttsexpirate 9

I guess when you said that you wanted to be the bees knees, they took it the wrong way


trellz17 19

Well when people see the furry dice they're gonna think you're a "player, player"

Tyr711 10

Hey, bee positive xD you can still try tap dancing in a beekeepers outfit! Now thats memorable.

"The land of racecar ya-yas, the land where you can't change lanes. The land where large, fuzzy dice still hang proudly, like testicles from rearview mirrors." a bit of birthday CAKE, anyone?

Killerturtle 11

Well, what were the ******* chances of THAT happening??? WOW! oh about 1/365

blueeyedwolf 10

Stop being an ingrate. It could have been worse.

s3xymoma 1

They remembered !!!!!!;). Should b happy !!

ieatunicorn4fun 7

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you :D

EnEl_Infierno 15

A bee keepers suit and fuzzy dice? that badass you can wear it while cruising for chicks, and once they see your fuzzy dice they'll be so turned on they won't notice your wreck of car. Nah.... but you tap dance so you're screwed n the only action you'll be able to get is a bloody job. fyl.

Don't bee down, and at least you hive a car. Some people don't even have a sweet ride to go pick up the honeys with. And don't go badmouthing the presents to your friends otherwise you might get stung and get nothing next year.

Be...e p...un...s AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH (brain explodes)