By wtf - 30/08/2011 12:16 - India

Today, it's my birthday. I've been dropping strong hints all year about wanting to learn to tap-dance, hoping for some decent tap shoes. Instead, I got a beekeepers outfit and some furry dice to hang on my wreck of a car's rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 553
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Olovio 5

Atleast yoy didn't get a bloody handjob!

Buttsexpirate 9

I guess when you said that you wanted to be the bees knees, they took it the wrong way


Oh... I feel bad for you I tap and it's amazing so go buy your own ****** shoes! And happy birthday :)


You just should of damn well said it


kimbolyn 0

well its better then what my husband got me for my bday that just passed.. he woke me up asked me to make him coffee and what HE wanted for dinner .. his mom told him it was my bday and he had our roommate buy me a cake and planned on surprising but he didn't cause I was being pissy lol yea b thankful u got a boyfriend thats not a Dick... so fml lol

SlickWillyTFCF 5

The beekeepers suit sounds awesome.

sparxva 12

Ask for the receipt. Return the lousy gifts. Buy tap shoes.. If you can't get the receipts, then eBay. No drama.

Halloween plus complimenting dice great combo

Maybe instead of wasting money on a worthless hobby like tap dancing you should work on improving your "wreck of a car".

Birthday gifts are usually things you wouldn't buy in a million years. Do you have the program already? Like do you need the tap dancing shoes?