By wtf - 30/08/2011 12:16 - India

Today, it's my birthday. I've been dropping strong hints all year about wanting to learn to tap-dance, hoping for some decent tap shoes. Instead, I got a beekeepers outfit and some furry dice to hang on my wreck of a car's rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 553
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Olovio 5

Atleast yoy didn't get a bloody handjob!

Buttsexpirate 9

I guess when you said that you wanted to be the bees knees, they took it the wrong way


The bee suits cause your family noticed the wasps nest under your dash, maaaan clean yo' car out fool!

so your the one who posted b4 this about your first hand job

20jetsgo 3

Tell your parents to warn you before they f**k you like that. Lol

MrJojobinks 6

Ydi for wanting to learn how to tap dance.

Happy birthday! A beekeeper suit sounds awesome :)

At least the fuzzy dice will make your shit car more classy.

A beekeeper's outfit when you asked for tap shoes.... How does that happen? Now you need to get that person some bees for their next birthday.