By wtf - 30/08/2011 12:16 - India

Today, it's my birthday. I've been dropping strong hints all year about wanting to learn to tap-dance, hoping for some decent tap shoes. Instead, I got a beekeepers outfit and some furry dice to hang on my wreck of a car's rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 559
You deserved it 4 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Olovio 5

Atleast yoy didn't get a bloody handjob!

Buttsexpirate 9

I guess when you said that you wanted to be the bees knees, they took it the wrong way


xxedenbxx 1

What a random thing to get, a beekeeper suit. Interesting...

jerilyn333a 0

At least you have a car I mean you shouldn't be that ungrateful.

Guess your hints weren't too noticeable!

kristeenahh 3

Aww it's okay. You'll get the courage to aak her out! Don't loose hope!:)

Maybe it's because when you are trying to tap dance , it looks like you are getting attacked by a swarm of bee's. Your family was trying to help you ! :)

cherry72 13

Odd very odd. This is the weirdest FML I think I have ever read. Beekeeper suit? Really? wth.

A beekeepers outfit is significantly cooler than tap shoes.

it doesnt say that ne where. it could be either a guy or a girl.