By wtf - 30/08/2011 12:16 - India

Today, it's my birthday. I've been dropping strong hints all year about wanting to learn to tap-dance, hoping for some decent tap shoes. Instead, I got a beekeepers outfit and some furry dice to hang on my wreck of a car's rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 553
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Olovio 5

Atleast yoy didn't get a bloody handjob!

Buttsexpirate 9

I guess when you said that you wanted to be the bees knees, they took it the wrong way


structuredchaoz 4

I've learned to not expect anything from anyone anymore. If you want it. Go sell your bee suit and get what you want. People don't get it.

At first I read lap-dance and had to re-read it again for the FML to make sense LOL. Anyway, FYL OP lol

AgentSmith79 9

Tap dancing is flamingly fabulous.

blair_x 12

Tap dancing is beast. Don't knock it till you've tried it - it's much harder than you'd think it'd be to keep up with all the fast footwork. I agree with the others, OP. Sell your outfit for some tap dancing shoes.

omgful 0

I tap dance :) it's really fun kinda hard to just pick up

Soon you really will be that guy who has everything.

tap dancing is gay anyway. get pop & lock lessons.

CoryX 9

OP if you don't want the fuzzy dice I'll easily take them off your hands

Yeah right! Bullshit post!!! Who the **** gets a beekeeper outfit let alone think of buying one for some who expresses no interest in it. You're with a tool or you are the tool! Either deserved it!!!!