By garfwebba - 03/01/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend didn't get me a present. He did, however, get me a card from our cat. He signed it "Have a purrrrfect birthday." Then he left to go to work. I was alone all day long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 482
You deserved it 6 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh noo!!! He was going to work making a living and you were left all alone to do nothing? That's too cruel!

...What? At least he remembered. It's not like he can take a day off just because it's your birthday, you know. The fact that you were alone all day was your own fault, get some friends.


Dude he gave you a ******* card. He can't just up and skip work on a whim for you. Not all of us get PTO we can just waste.

I wouldn't ask someone to take a day off for my birthday coz im not taking a day off for it, I wanna celebrate my birthday but life carrys on as usual. I think your expectations are a bit high!!!

Oh great, another FML about some whinny, shallow bitch who didn't get what she wanted and realised the world doesn't revolve around her.

dude, go shopping. duh. it's great to have a partner, but at some point in life you gotta realize that it's up to you to make the fun.

Your boyfriend is clever and thoughtful so your life isn't ****** and you are being a bitch about it so you dont deserve it. WHAT DO I PRESS

ladies follow me on twitter @serverocks

oh, you're life must be so hard, your boyfrend didn't get you anything you little princess. boohoo. and everyone on this forum is overreacting. get over it, this isn't that bad. god, you people are pathetic.

muffinsareyummy 1

sorry that people have bills to pay? we should all just quit our jobs, lose our homes, and cars all just to be with you on your birthday.

dahockeymasta12 0

At least ur bf has a job, be lucky for that. But, that doesn't mean he can't give you something nice like flowers etc.