By garfwebba - 03/01/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend didn't get me a present. He did, however, get me a card from our cat. He signed it "Have a purrrrfect birthday." Then he left to go to work. I was alone all day long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 482
You deserved it 6 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh noo!!! He was going to work making a living and you were left all alone to do nothing? That's too cruel!

...What? At least he remembered. It's not like he can take a day off just because it's your birthday, you know. The fact that you were alone all day was your own fault, get some friends.


Well, he has to go to work. Don't you have other people to do things with? Like, say... friends?

The economy is pretty bad right now. Be glad he has a job and he's able to provide for BOTH of you, since you apparently don't work. Unless you live off by yourself. Which I find unlikely.

LadyKaya 0

If you're that bored, get a job. Quit whining, it was a sweet gesture. At least he remembered your birthday. But wait, I forgot, you totally deserve a present, right? Cause the world revolves around you. He shouldn't have to work on your birthday to support your lazy ass, right? Appreciate that you have someone that was a least a little thoughtful when times are tight.

stop being pathetic! spend the day with your friends, you don't need to have your boyfriend with you to have a good time

get a job maybe you could have prevented this

you don need him to enjoy your birthday. go on and have yourself a happy birthday! :)

Hinagata 0

So what? : it's just another day in the year. Just don't do anything for his birthday, and that'll make you even.

poetictragedy72 0

I think the card would be really cute. People have to work. It's still good he thought about your birthday, and I bet he spent time with you after work, right?