By VladyBoi - 01/11/2011 00:18 - United States

Today, it's my first Halloween in America since moving from Russia. While handing candy to children, my roommate told me to compliment a little girl by saying "You have a face only a parent could love". I found out it isn't a compliment when I was punched by her Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 279
You deserved it 5 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Punch your roommate! Make him/her suffer too!

who else read this FML while doing a russian accent? :D


You should be "Russian" to beat the crap out of your roommate.

Welcome to America! Wow, that was pretty mean, to set you up like that.

Your roommate's a douche.. that was mean to both you and the little girl.

RandomB 0

If only she'd been wearing a full mask. Then it really could have been a compliment :p

Welcome to the USA. Your roomie needs a beat down.

robincakes94 8

You must be really bad at English then, because everything you were told to say was simple English.

It's an Evil plan. Conspiracy to have all Americans on weed, then BAM! Your taken over and all your freedom is revoked! Haven't you been watching the X-Files??

my friend's cousin was told that by her teacher! you don't deserve it, but your roomate deserves a "friendly tap" or two where it counts