By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 05:21 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was from myself: a positive pregnancy test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 692
You deserved it 91 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kids do the darndest things. is protection a dirty word or something now a days? just be lucky you did not get AIDS. might want to get tested for that also though.


ydi for not using/ not using good enough protection

it's not UNLUCKY to get pregnant. it's relatively easy to avoid. Someone was just being lazy and F'ed her own L.

you don't know that anything, she could have been on the pill, they could have used protection and failed, it is possible!

140- there's nothing wrong with having sex. Sex is a natural part of life and she could've been using protection.

NecroLancerz 9

she's 16 yrs old for f*ck's sake. its not "normal" for a girl that young to have sex!

#508 it's perfectly normal. People have pretty much always started puberty by then, meaning they usually have a sex drive. That's about the average time for people to start having sex.

When you look at people as animals it is perfectly normal. Sometimes I like to think of the human race as something better than a bunch of animals all in a frenzy to hump each other. If you aren't self sufficient you should not be having sex that way other people don't have to clean up your mess. If sex was perfectly normal at that age we would be pairing up with partners in health class for a more in depth lesson.

Vasin_fml 15

You should of bought codoms or birth control for yourself on your 15th birthday ;)

Quyzl 0

YDI for getting knocked up before you can legally drink.

Yeah, because the RIGHT way of getting knocked up is by drunkenly acquiescing to a stranger forcing himself upon her at a party. Being old enough to drink does not necessarily mean A-OK to pregnancy.

starile, i love your comments, but... i have to say that what you said is definitely a scenario that's possible, but i think that #34 was simply implying that op was too young. people under 21 drink all the time, so it's also a possibility was a factor in this pregnancy; however it may also be to the contrary. either way, it's rather irresponsible on the op's part. she should have taken further steps to ensure that she would not get pregnant before having sex. again, i love your comments. :D |the kid|

emmanizzer 6

i was just thinking the same thing 34. i can't believe people would do something so irresponsible when they're not even old enough to have ever made such a life-changing decision. it's just not right. :( you think people would've learned by now

There is no way to "ensure" that you're not going to get pregnant even if you're using protection. Its not 100%.

There's this thing called a "condom". Try it sometime, yeah...

sparta98 4

You do realize that condoms aren't 100% effective, right? They've got something like a 3% fail rate.

3% ? Teachers always told me condoms are just for 75% safe, but that's merely because people still are capable to use it wrong. I'm not sure, bu I thought the fail rate was much higher than 3 procent.

97% when used right, 50. The same way the pill is 99.9% when used right, but if you skip a few pills, well...

Put it this way guys, the legal age to have sex is 16. Also, protection doesn't always work. It rarely fails, but it can indeed fail. OP wasn't doing anything wrong, in theory, by having sex at this age. And you never know, she could have been using protection, but it just didn't work out. So don't be so judgmental please.

No, they only just turned 16, meaning they got pregnant at 15 which is illegal.

16 isn't the legal age of consent hardly anywhere. 99.9% of the time it's 18.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Some states it's 16. Nevada, where I'm from, legal age of consent is 16, whereas states like Georgia and Missouri it's 17.

12 US states is hardly 99.9%. Also, the US is pretty much the only industrialised country that has 18 as an age of consent. It's lower practically everywhere.

its 16 in england australia and most of europe.

I'm a little lost here, OP never stated she had sex with someone over the age of 18. There is no law stating that two minors can not have sex.

hungryparadox 6

In my state it's 15, and in the US it's usually between 18-15. That being said, OP mentioned how old the other person involved was. So, without knowing that we can't entirely judge whether it's immoral, illegal and/or wrong. I don't recommend being a mother at 16 but I see nothing wrong with sex between minors, adults, same gender, etc. (not minors with adults, please don't twist my words.) but only if it's done safely. If you're too young to buy a condom/get on birth control you're too young to have sex! :D Paradox

If two minors have sex, it's still illegal. They're both underage and unable to consent.

Still statutory rape by the law, and both minors will get charge with it

Fun fact, in Georgia (where I'm from) we have a law that states that two unmarried people can't legally have sex under any circumstances. So even if you're of majority age, you're ******. Er, well, not legally anyway;)

ok let me just say the fact is YOUNG GIRLS AND BOYS HAVE SEX and they're stupid about it. the hard truth about op getting knocked up at 16 just means she's a *****..there's no sugarcoating ydi op

Draminicaus 0

U-N-O-R-I-G-I-N-A-L spells your comment.

she's not the only one. jeeze. sorry that it happened OP. don't be so judgemental other people. she is not a ****. so shut up

adidas125 0

No, I'm not with the father. I'm gay.

Yeah, I know sometimes when I'm eating vag, I happen to slip and fall on a dick. I can see how these things happen.

ABORTiON TIME !!! save up now.. the sooner the better.

hanniegirl 0

Why save up when you can ask for it as a Christmas present?

if no one gave her a birthday present, Christmas prolly won't be different. She'll have to her it for herself again. she's prolly too lazy to though. like she was too lazy to buy some VCF or sponges.

I doubt she would get a abortion 1 because it's expensive 2 her parents prob won't allow it 3 if she doesn't want the baby she can put it up for adoption and 4 she might want to keep the baby once she relizes that she is capable of being responsible for it

guallpa 0

Really abortion? What if your mom had aborted you! How can you kill an innocent child!