By spenmy - 13/06/2010 09:56 - United States

Today, it was a little colder than it should be for this time of year, and as a result I was using the heater in my car. Apparently within the last four months, a mouse managed to make his way into my heater vent and die. I can not get the smell of death out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 283
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP. We bought a car and the previous owner smoked in it. It was barely noticable, and after a couple of months it didn't smell at all anymore. Untill Fall came and we turned the heat on. Oh. My. *******. God. It's been YEARS and the smell of deathsticks comes back when we turn the heat on.


l3allin_all_day 0

I feel so bad for the poor mouse

how the hell does a mouse get in your car???!!

how do u freaking send stories from your iPod touch?????? a whole bunch of stuff happened to me this week

mw2pride 0

there's nothing like the smell of dead rat in the morning

that's nothing, we were moving and giving everything a really good clean before putting it in our new house. I pulled out the crumb tray on the toaster to find a rather crispy skeletal mouse. we'd been havin toast earlier that day. GROSS.

go to a dealer and have them replace that ac system ,or do it you self . put it on full blast maybe it will come flying out your car into someone elses, how did you not smell it before , the ac and heating Is connected

Samko_chan 5

Ewwww, I think you should just let it run for a bit while your not in it. Then air out the car. Also, Im still wondering how the mouse even got there in the first place?

crapule31000 0