By peopleinthepark - 30/05/2009 14:46 - United States

Today, it was beautiful out. I decided to play guitar at the park near my house. I left my guitar case open, asking not for money but for feedback. I got two pieces of paper with feedback: 1) You're fat. 2) Get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 962
You deserved it 13 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awdorable 0

Oh, I'm sorry, that sucks. FYL. Next time, say 'POSITIVE' Feedback, that would be better, dude.

people are always rude. don't mind them


lovely997 0

agree with 7, not EVERYONE can like you so it's okay

yumx24 0

Awee, I'm sorry. Why are people so mean?

rallets 22

you didnt read the one i left in there? it said "stairway"

Wrong place to get feedback it seems :( Don't let it stop you from playing guitar if you really do like it

Damn that sucks.... i am sure you are good, some people can be REALLY jeoulous.... Maybe lose some wait, or don't ask for that feedback at parks, at least they didnt say you suck ;)

looooolz 0

Learn to accept criticism - you're a musician; your credibility and success is almost entirely determined by the opinions of others. Especially if you're asking for it.

NCGurl 0

Shouldve asked for money instead.

rallets 22

#19 is an idiot he meant feedback on his guitar playing