By peopleinthepark - 30/05/2009 14:46 - United States

Today, it was beautiful out. I decided to play guitar at the park near my house. I left my guitar case open, asking not for money but for feedback. I got two pieces of paper with feedback: 1) You're fat. 2) Get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 962
You deserved it 13 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awdorable 0

Oh, I'm sorry, that sucks. FYL. Next time, say 'POSITIVE' Feedback, that would be better, dude.

people are always rude. don't mind them


Ouch man. I'm sorry, FYL! But hey, at least it was a beautiful day today.

HowlingMadDog 0

I am not musicaly inclined, but I always believed you got the best 'feedback' by placing the michrophone in the worst postion in relation to the speakers?

FMLWrestler your an idiot, your wrong about musicians, go look up Dimebag Darrel, or Robert Lowe, or anything that is not mainstream music. Or what you consider to be good music and look at those band's musicians. Not every one is perfectly skinny and behind collard shirts. Your an idiot.

There is nothing worse than some douche bag with an acoustic guitar. It doesn't matter what the situation. Nobody wants to hear it. Seriously. NOBODY wants to hear it. You should pull an Elliot Smith and stab yourself multiple times in the chest until you die. Have I mentioned that nobody wants to hear you play your stupid guitar; you douche bag? Nobody. Wants. To. Hear. It. Stop.

Kristoffer 35

Who cares what those losers think? If they can't be bothered to give a real opinion instead of an insult, then they don't deserve one second of your time.

People can be incredibly mean to those trying to learn and improve. I've yet to understand why. Been there. FYL... but keep trying, maybe in a different more tolerant city?

Kitty34_fml 0

Not to be rude, but if I go to a park or some other public place, I probably don't want to hear some guy playing his guitar. Go in your backyard or something next time? If you want feedback, play at a local bar or somewhere that has Open Mic Night.

Wow, that's pretty lame. I'm sorry. I don't know why so many people are so uninterested in life and have to do rude shit like that. I would have given you legit. feedback :)

by the way #40, you must listen to very mainstream music if you think that all musicians have "sleek" figures and are conventionally attractive (or attractive at all).