By peopleinthepark - 30/05/2009 14:46 - United States

Today, it was beautiful out. I decided to play guitar at the park near my house. I left my guitar case open, asking not for money but for feedback. I got two pieces of paper with feedback: 1) You're fat. 2) Get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 962
You deserved it 13 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awdorable 0

Oh, I'm sorry, that sucks. FYL. Next time, say 'POSITIVE' Feedback, that would be better, dude.

people are always rude. don't mind them


#27- youtube? constructive criticism? seriously?

@68: so by the "everyone" which you refer to, you mean "me"? Look you don't know what other people are interested in doing at the park, whether it be hanging with friends, exercising, or just relaxing like you. But if you expect complete peace and quiet, then the park is not where you should be (I suggest your home, probably in bed, probably asleep too). Parks are public spaces, and musicians like the op shouldn't be discouraged from playing in a park, and your bitching and whining about it just makes everyone pissed. @40: I-I'm not even sure how to respond to that... OP: well, lesson learned, I guess: don't ask for feedback when you play in public lol Yeah fyl but keep it up

whoo oplays guitar in teh parc? come on man its been done b4, and u had it coming when everyone out theyre is a dick

That wasn't even feedback. :/ That was just rude. Honestly, don't listen to people like that. THEY'RE the ones without lives if they stop and take the time to write nasty comments to a stranger that probably aren't even true. You're the one doing something with your life that makes you happy. Love yourself as you are and keep making music! :)

shadow_duv 0

haha! but seriously that sucks, better luck next time

___Alayna 0

LLS!!! HOW COULD THEY?! disrespect. xD i agree with one of those numbers; POSITIVE Feedback only.

marmaladexskies1 0

hey man. **** them. just keep playing your music.

yeee **** watever they wanna say rock on! haha