By nonmormon - 18/07/2009 16:14 - United States

Today, it was my fifth wedding anniversary. After an intense lovemaking session, my husband looked lovingly into my eyes and asked, "How do you feel about polygamy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 175
You deserved it 4 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Polygamy; you end up with twice the nagging and half the sex.

Your husband sounds like a selfish *****, good luck I hope it works out for you.

Haha you should have said "great! I'd love to have multiple husbands..although. I hope you wouldn't feel threatened..?"

ex_ff 9

I am in a polyamorous relationship with two live-in girlfriends. It works for us. We are all comfortable with the idea. We have completely open communication. But it doesn't work for everyone. Look it up. There are rules involved. You follow the rules, everybody is happy. You may like it, you may not. Whatever your decision is, make it clear to your husband that that is the way it's gonna be.

Polygamy is getting married to more than one wife

doglover100 28

You didn't know this before you married him?

Everyone who's using the "IT'S ******* ILLEGAL" excuse, let me just chime in. Gay marriage is illegal, everyone is rising to support it. Weed is illegal, everyone's pushing for its legalization. Polygamy is illegal, but it should stay that way? Better get 3 sheets of cloth and 3 wooden poles and give em to the parade of the armed forces cuz it looks like we got a triple standard here! What if someone wants to date a girl, but then finds himself attracted to someone else along the way? Maybe he can't handle being attached to the same person for the rest of his life. This also works for girls. Not every polygamist is misogynistic, some just like being comfortable with multiple partners. That's their lifestyle, that's the path they chose. I think it's time to stop being so damn ignorant and let these people have their own personal rights.