By slavelaborsux - 29/08/2011 23:59 - United States

Today, it was my first day on the job as a first grade teacher. One student pushed another, so I asked him to apologize. His response? "If you boss me around, I'll tell Daddy you touched me somewhere you shouldn't have." I think I'm now this kid's slave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 775
You deserved it 3 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

I'd report that little shit to his parents. Don't let him boss you around or else more and more kids will follow and you'll be miserable. Stand up for yourself!

Is it me, or are children getting less and less respectful at a sickeningly fast rate?


What you do is, sit down with their parents with a stern look on your face and say 'your son is being very disruptive in class and when i asked him to stop he threatened to tell you i harassed him' I'm serious, that little **** can't get away with this! When his parents get called in he'll probably shit himself and behave better, trust me

nutmeg1993 1

tht is awful. sounds like tht child is hearing things he shouldn't.

and you should say, and if YOU try to threaten me or boss me around, I'll tell Daddy that his child doesn't know how to behave and I am going to have to get him suspended.

Here is whats you do. You let the school AND his parents know about this. Have the little kid who got pushed be your witness. Then once everything is said and done give that little shit and essay every week why its important not to lie. That will put him in his place.

It's called being an adult, reporting it to someone such as parents or principals. You'll be a horrible parent if you let kids run you already

lowie89 7

Hahahhahaha wow you got punked! Tell the little shit if he makes up lies your gonna tell the whole class he pees his pants!

This is a prime example of how our school systems suck and our kids have to much power