By slavelaborsux - 29/08/2011 23:59 - United States

Today, it was my first day on the job as a first grade teacher. One student pushed another, so I asked him to apologize. His response? "If you boss me around, I'll tell Daddy you touched me somewhere you shouldn't have." I think I'm now this kid's slave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 775
You deserved it 3 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

I'd report that little shit to his parents. Don't let him boss you around or else more and more kids will follow and you'll be miserable. Stand up for yourself!

Is it me, or are children getting less and less respectful at a sickeningly fast rate?


queenb1621 21

Y are you bow downing to a kid? Its your classroom show him who's boss...

All the super long messages are actually kind of unnecessary and rather annoying

First of all I would like to say that looking for support on the internet is the worst thing you can do. I sincerely hope you went to your superiors about this issue right away, instead of wasting time by posting here while feeling sorry for yourself. You know why they call bitches, bitches right?

Ask that that kid be moved to another class and explain why.

BroBig_Headed 6

That's why you record every interaction and report that crap to the principal

Geckosrock99 33

Wow! That brat really needs a whoopin' and REALLY needs to learn respect. Get all the evidence that what this brat is saying/doing is true and show it to his parents. If the parents cared/had any brains they'd do something about it. The brat needs severe punishment to learn NEVER to say stuff like that again and he needs to learn that the adults are the "boss" not him. Whatever caused him to be like that needs to be eliminated too, whether it was sexual abuse, adult shows/games, or what.

loah 0

says a lot about who raised him.