By slavelaborsux - 29/08/2011 23:59 - United States

Today, it was my first day on the job as a first grade teacher. One student pushed another, so I asked him to apologize. His response? "If you boss me around, I'll tell Daddy you touched me somewhere you shouldn't have." I think I'm now this kid's slave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 775
You deserved it 3 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

I'd report that little shit to his parents. Don't let him boss you around or else more and more kids will follow and you'll be miserable. Stand up for yourself!

Is it me, or are children getting less and less respectful at a sickeningly fast rate?


Gabby15410 0

Just call his parents and tell them what happened. Also tell them about the shoving.

Dogluvr1197 30

Tell the child's parents what he said, they'll understand, and the kid will probably never say something like that again if you do!

Join your union and have a conference with principal and parents. Cya

I'm pretty sure you can get this kid in HUGE amounts of trouble. first of tell his parents. if they have any amount of intelligence they'll believe you and punish the little shit. if not out smart him. get a tap recorder and get him on tap saying it. couldn't be that difficult i mean he is in friken kindergarden. best of luck. :)

The_9th_Doctor 18

tell his parents what he said. don't let the little shit tell u what to do

As a teen myself I listen to those my age go on about Justin Bieber and whether they are going to have sex. I am alarmed at how dumb this generation are becoming. I agree with those who suggested the recording, kids these days know too much about things I never knew existed at that age.

NO. That is PRECISELY the moment that you walk straight to the principal and report the incident. You don't waste a moment. Kids think they can pull that shit but as long as you report that soon as possible, things will be fine.

Um you should report him.... Before he actually does something... Do you really wanna lose your job? Come on be an adult