By lookwhereyasittin - 24/01/2016 17:47 - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, it was the first day in my life that I fell into a toilet because someone left the toilet seat up. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 932
You deserved it 6 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And I'm sure you'll never forget to put the seat down again now.


xoxokeylee 12

Hahahaha. Pay back is a bitch to the male population. You dunked your Doughnut!!

yeah, I know u probably thought ahh seat is already down -sits down ahhhh f*

At least no one flushed while you were stuck. I hear Craig's mom died that way.

Easiest check list ever, 1)make sure the toilet/room hasn't been ass sprayed 2) make sure there is toilet paper 3) make sure the seat is clean and in the proper position. Come on people it's not like we're asking you to use the 3 seashells here!

Badkarma4u 17

Exactly. A checklist everyone over the age of 5 should use.

I've done this a few times when I was in a panic trying to avoid emptying the contents of my colon prematurely. Thankfully, I never completely submerged my ass or got stuck in the toilet. When water touches your ass, it makes you stand up REAL quick.

joeyl2008 29

because they didn't look before they sat down

Be careful getting out you might suck your intestines out

Talis99 26

I don't understand how this happens. You are walking toward the toilet, how are you not looking at it? Not least of which to make sure it's not disgusting before you use it.

I knew there'd be comments on here saying shit about men and toilet seats. What I have to say here applies to everybody: if you need the seat up, put it up; if you need it down, put it down. It's not rocket science; it's a toilet seat!

Or everyone could put down the lid when they're done which entails putting down the seat as well if the seat was raised, but it's the same amount of effort either way. Equality! Toilet lids exist for a reason- you don't have to worry about things or people accidentally falling in. Also it looks better.

I really have no desire to touch a toilet seat, so if you have already touched it to put it up, you might as well touch it again to put it back down.

Lids are the answer. Get into the habit so you never have to worry about a toddler falling in or a dog drinking out of the toilet then licking your face. Any other opinion on the up / down situation is basically wrong.