By cbrocks - 16/10/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, it was the first day of fall break from college, and I was really excited to sleep in and relax the entire weekend. Apparently my boss caught wind of my happiness and scheduled me 8am-2pm each day of break, "seeing how I don't have anything else to do." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 171
You deserved it 3 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jane99 0

You could have asked for a day off in advanced.

YDI if you put you have open availability. If you don't want to work at 8 AM just say you're unavailable.


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maybe you didn't read the FML carefully, so read it again, you 'bint'.

I caught that the OP was a male, and I intentionally called him a bint because he's a whiny little bitch and not a man afterall. Keep up genius. Try again.

TheKitsune may not know how to use commas, but I agree with the point he's making. Stop complaining, OP. Be grateful.

What the heck is a "bint" in the first place?

Ah well, more money, right? You can spend it on some purty hookers or something.

Quit bitching. Count your blessings that you HAVE a job.

perdix 29

You can sleep at work. From the sounds of your enthusiasm for working while on break from school, I'll guess that your productivity when awake is not much different than when you are asleep. Try not to bring a pillow. That's too obvious.

YDI if you put you have open availability. If you don't want to work at 8 AM just say you're unavailable.

FAKEstfu 0

I don't care where you live. You can and WILL be replaced at your shifty job. Especially if you complain about how much you work.

RSLDonk 0

That's what you get for letting your boss know it's fall break.

jw90 18

Actually there are laws that do state how many hours and days a certain individual can work a week. 14-15 cannot work more than 4 hours a day and 16 hours a week. 16-17 can work up to 8 hours a day and no more than 40 hours a week. 18 and older there is no limit...but...if you're boss is making you work that much he's just an asshole.

when i was 15 i was working 8 hour days in the summer and way more than 16 hours a week, which country are these laws made for?

For the USA - but they only apply during the school year. Summer is open season.

dspadres 0

That's what you get for telling your boss that you'll be off from school for a while. And to everyone who's whining about it being illegal: Without knowing the OP's age you have no idea whether it's illegal or not so stfu.