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By Anonymous - 16/10/2009 20:56 - United States

Today, I wrote the most beautiful college application essay ever, ten minutes before the online deadline. Instead of clicking "submit", I clicked the button next to it that said "return". The entire essay vanished into internet wasteland. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 685
You deserved it 46 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi for not taking the proper time to write the application. And for writing it in the browser. and for not turning it in earlier.

Learn a lesson, maybe? COPY AND PASTE FROM A DOCUMENT!


ydi for not taking the proper time to write the application. And for writing it in the browser. and for not turning it in earlier.

the_stereotype 0

agreed. most people have the common sense to type it into a word document and then copy/paste it onto the online box. and really, you should have been revising it at least the day before instead of turning in a first draft ten minutes before the deadline. somehow i doubt the essay was that good and whether or not you really would have gotten into that college.

Seriously, who the **** writes an essay in the browser and doesn't save it before submitting?

honestly. D: and SERIOUSLY ydi for finishing so last minute.

To The guy above stfu wat if that was u?

Learn a lesson, maybe? COPY AND PASTE FROM A DOCUMENT!

It's usually enough to just copy it to the clipboard—that's what I do, when I write something in a browser.

alliemi 0

YDI for waiting until ten minutes before it was due. Also, it probably sucked because you just wrote it straight up and didn't proofread or revise or work on it. Fail.

YDI for composing your essay in the edit box. Next time you'll know to do it in a word processor and copy it in.

Did it not prompt you with something like "Are you sure you want to leave this page. You have entered text and it will be lost"? And if you wrote it at the last minute, it probably would've been turned down anyway.

why did you wait until ten minutes before the deadline?? i would've definitely been doing the essay on word, and then just copied and pasted it onto the application....... dumbbb both YDI and FYL.

YDI for waiting till the last minute and not pressing backspace

AndreaHatesYou1 0

So you want pity for putting off your college applications until the last minute? Sorry, doesn't work that way. That's what you get.