By Anonymous - 01/04/2011 14:19 - United States

Today, just a few minutes after I got to work, my usually laconic boss came into my office and said, "Pack your stuff and get the f*ck out." Apparently, half my department was being downsized. Thinking it was an April Fool's, I burst out laughing and told him how funny the prank was. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 876
You deserved it 4 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take a shit on the hood of his car, or pee in the gas tank. that will be a good prank! check your employment agreement and company policy. such short notice might be a violation, giving you legal options or footing to negotiate a severance package. a deal is a deal.


If ur boss said it just like that u can get him fired

sounds like your former boss was a real asshole!

"Pack your stuff and get the **** out"? I wouldn't want to work for anyone who speaks to me like that. This is a blessing in disguise.

probably for the better, hope you find a better boss.

gitaly101 3

Lol I'm reading this on April fools day exactly one year later! Lol

you're kind of an idiot for bursting out laughing at that...

I'm not sure if that's legal the way he did it