By Anonymous - 15/08/2015 15:20 - United States

Today, just as I was putting my contacts in, a gnat landed on it. Its guts got squished between my eyeball and the contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 814
You deserved it 1 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TechnoKitten 17

Gnats side of the story Today, I was being me and landed on a contact lens, then an evil human squished me in his/her eye female


I am extremely sorry, that must have been awful.

And here we have the usual sympathy commentor! "I'm sorry OP, that sucks. You deserve so much better!"

Talk about putting the slide under the microscope.

mariathehoe 15

I had a bee fly into my eye once, but I'm sorry OP I bet you did gnat see that coming

CliffyB03 28

Reason 52 as to why I don't wear contacts

I did gnat see that coming! I'm glad you didn't go into gory detail

The gnat certainly went into gory detail.

Take it out...depending on the solution you use do a rub or wear glasses for the day...

I've had tons of gnats fly into my eye so I'm saying from experience that it didn't