By Anonymous - 17/11/2008 08:53 - France

Today, my 10-year-old brother won the poem contest at his school. Since then he won’t stop bugging me with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 591
You deserved it 8 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should at least be happy, did you ever win something like that? I bet not

lol he cant have been that great a poet, when iw as 7 i wrote a poem about snowflakes and it was published in a book it was such a crap poem too

ayylash 0

deal with it. your story sucks

not funny. atalllllll. I've never heard a story about a sibling being "annoying" deal with it. many of us do every day. so I feel your pain , but we don't post them as fmls. ęmįłÿ xø lifes tough sweetie.

I'm sorry everyone's getting mad at you :( I have 3 younger brothers and a younger sister and they can get on my nerves too :)

hellokittywhore 0

WTF! you're a bitch for not supporting him go die you bitch-face sticky dilldo mother ******