By Anonymous - 02/11/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, my 12 year-old daughter asked me where her scrotum is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 733
You deserved it 5 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think it's time to give her the talk...

Mister_Triangle 21

"I already put it under the pillow for you, so that the Scrotum Fairy will visit and give you $10 if you never speak of this again"


Send her back to her room and tell her to think about what she said.

drlove78843 6
snator 0

Yeah, but if she dosent know what it means she cant be in trouble!

mspoutylips 8

I knew what walnuts and chestnuts were. Chin nuts, I found out the hard way.

drlove78843 6
stacianichole 2

Yes.(: but not a pure bred. (mother was) Wow! I'm impressed. Many people think a cat is a cat is a cat. A lot of people don't realize that different bred of cats also have different personality traits, just like many dogs do. Bravo!

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

It always made me think your cat was looking up and thinking, "I don't see the resemblance".


Seems to me you and her mother have made a habit of keeping your daughter in the dark on a few things.

leadman1989 15

Abstinence only education FTL!

The obvious answer is, "On Peter Griffin's chin."

Just for the hell of it... All the FMLers with Peter Griffin as their display pic post in this thread! Let's see how many Peters we can get! :D

llZombiell 5

Way to inform your daughter about her body. YDI.

These sorts of things could be really confusing for hermaphrodite children. Geez, give her a break.

No it's actually hermaphrodite because you still describe animals be hemaphrodites or not and humans are primates, chordates, animals, whatever else you wanna call them.

SquirrellyGirl 20

This wouldn't be an FML if her daughter was a hermaphrodite(I know you are supposed to call them something else but autocorrect won't let me type it) she's just misinformed about her amatomy