By Anonymous - 02/11/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, my 12 year-old daughter asked me where her scrotum is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 733
You deserved it 5 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think it's time to give her the talk...

Mister_Triangle 21

"I already put it under the pillow for you, so that the Scrotum Fairy will visit and give you $10 if you never speak of this again"


Hey, she's 12, she's old enough to learn the facts.

Tell her that her scrotum is like her brain. it just never showed up.

Hmmm, a lack of education in the states? Shocking!!

iFizzgig 11
JHandAC 4

Well, even though it's a stereotype its pretty true. I live in CT and transferred from a K-8 Catholic school to public school for eight grade and I already know everything they're trying to teach us because at Cathplic school we were learning how to do Freshman/Sophmore schoolwork. But some of the kids in public school can't even write in cursive while I've known since second grade -____- they're a serious facepalm worthy group, arent they?

On international tests, American children rank 25th in math and 21st in science, despite the push for greater accountability through No Child Left Behind. This 2002 law pledged that 100% of kids would be reading and doing math at grade level within ten years, but 8 years later the test scores look ominous: only 14% of Mississippi students, 30% of NY students, and 24% of California kids are proficient in math. Nationwide, only 20-34 percent of kids in the United States are currently reading at grade level. What’s more, although America is falling behind in math, our kids are first in confidence. American students get terrible math scores compared to their international peers, but they think they’re great in math—in fact, they have more confidence in their math skills than students from any other country.

From a review of "waiting for superman" on, it's 25th out of 30 btw. When stereotype meets fact. American education is useless at even basic math, never mind the debate over whether to admit to children that they have genitalia.

iFizzgig 11

Tell her that the remainder is on her elbows. I'm quite sure that she will believe you, or anyone for that matter

stewpididiot 11

Tell it's next to her prostate gland...

I bursted out laughing I starbucks at your reply hahaha lol

It sounds more like the parent is one of those morons who believes sex education is the responsibility of schools- then complaining when their child has underage sex and/or gets pregnant. A few women I know have told me that in primary school, they thought they were dying. They had awful abdominal pain and were bleeding from the place they were always told was dirty/sinful etc. They were terrified and had no idea what was wrong with them- all because their parents thought 13 year olds didn't need to know about periods.

I'm pretty sure by that age girls know where they'll get a scrotum someday

You can't be serious, kid. Please go ask your mommy and educate yourself. I don't think a scrotum goes "inside of her." You may want to rethink your comment. This seriously has made my day. Thanks for the laugh at your expense. :)