By Anonymous - 21/12/2010 16:18 - United Kingdom

Today, my 14 year-old son sent a broadcast on my blackberry saying ''I'm a young gay man looking for some fun!'' to all my contacts as a joke. What he didn't know was that it's my work phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 925
You deserved it 5 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

They'll probably reply that you are not really young, but if you are still looking for "fun" . . .


Ydi for not password protecting your phone and also for getting your gay son play with it..

Ya srsly. Doesn't your work have a policy about securing company phones?

skyeyez9 24

Hack into his FB acct and write the same comment as his status update!

RedPillSucks 31

Just explain that your phone got a virus.

This is a young man who needs to be sat down and educated on respecting other people and their property. Then he should be required to send an apologetic broadcast to all of the contacts explaining his folly. Then he needs to have the living shit beaten out of him on a daily basis until he understands that he is a stupid ******* kid who doesn't deserve to be let out of the house until his hair turns gray and falls out.

MEM0817 18

For some reason, I feel like he"ll be at his worst when he has grey thinning hair. Maybe let him out before the grey hair, then lock him up again... forever.

He's a dragon ranger who apparently failed grades K-10. I'm surprised he knows what a penis is.

Shows how much YOU know... I graduated from college at the mere age of 14 with a degree in quantum physics. I rescued David Hasslehoff from drowning. I kicked Chuck Norris in the crotch and he thanked me, profusely.

EvilDave 13

OP, you raised him to think such things are funny, therefore YDI.

LOL 25 no way, I did the exact same thing to one of my friends cause he'd never had a girl friend before. Turned out guys weren't into him either, the only reply he got was from this handicapped 50 year old guy.