By blegh - 27/12/2011 21:50 - United Kingdom

Today, my 18-year-old son asked me if I was a virgin. I still don't know what to say to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 138
You deserved it 8 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dpope06 0

guessing no one had the "talk" with him. lol fyl and your sons


Just remember: you're the one who raised your kid to ask questions like this. Have fun answering them...

Blass_fml 2

Obviously you married your own sister

MusicLastForever 4
fieldhockey101 0

Quite the Einstein right there.

saphire512 3

Dude if you weren't a virgin how we would he be there?! Just Had sex Akon

snapeaholic 5

You should tell him his girlfriend gave birth to him :3 oh how i am devious i will never know...

radiariad 0

Obviously ur not....since u gave birth to him if he knew how babies were made he wuld have knew the answer to tht