By Braelynn - 26/01/2011 07:48

Today, my 4 year old cousin is staying overnight. Every time I fall asleep he wakes me up to tell me I fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 208
You deserved it 3 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's cute, but till him to go to sleep too and make up a story on why it is important for him to sleep before you; kids love stuff like that. Of course don't tell him about something along the lines of Dead Space 2.

Slip the ****** some Nyquil. Or, you know, lock your door and go to sleep.


that's why you put the kid to bed in another room. duh.

amh721 0

Hit it and make it sleep outside. Kids are so annoying.

mrmerino 0

play a game: play like you're asleep, then when he comes over to tell you about it, jump up and scare him. alternatively, lay in bed. don't fall asleep, don't talk. when he comes over, look him dead in the eye. make sure he knows you're awake. eventually he'll get bored and fall asleep. then wake him up ;D

ohmek 0

Play hide and seek. Let him hide.

meeba 2

tie him to a chair and cover his mouth with duct tape! sry I'm a cruel person... I know

awww! that's not an fml, that's friggen adorable!!!

kimginkey 0

4 year adorable! but its rly irritatin! haha