By Braelynn - 26/01/2011 07:48

Today, my 4 year old cousin is staying overnight. Every time I fall asleep he wakes me up to tell me I fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 208
You deserved it 3 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's cute, but till him to go to sleep too and make up a story on why it is important for him to sleep before you; kids love stuff like that. Of course don't tell him about something along the lines of Dead Space 2.

Slip the ****** some Nyquil. Or, you know, lock your door and go to sleep.


FML858 0

awwwwe.whatta cutie! he want you to do an all nighter with him !

If you beat the shit out of him, then he will stop.

Aw that's what my 6 year old cousin does when he sleeps over haha

tell him that the awake ppl eating monster will get him if he doesnt go to sleep....thats what i do 

92jess_2010 0

awe, that's soooooooo cute! lol 4 yr olds are toooo adorable!

tchaikovsky93 0

That is so ADORABLE!!! Hahahahaha

meeba 2

Sorry to hear you're losing sleep, OP, but I think you need to grow up. Little kids do stuff like that all the time. They don't know any better.