By Fortunato_18 - 02/12/2013 06:18 - United States
Fortunato_18 tells us more.
Just a couple of points I wanna touch on: 1) the shag rug: haha not my choice! It came with my apartment, where the rug is one of the least awful things about it. 2) I know I should have had the nail polish out of reach, but we were planning on painting my daughters nails as soon as one of us got the chance. She's never done anything like that before so I didn't think to lock it up. We did have a chat about it though, and it hasn't been an issue since (this happened a few weeks ago) 3)Thank you for the removal tips! Hopefully I can find one that works :)
Top comments
If it's acrylic based polish, try graffiti remover. You can find it in most hardware stores.
The product goof off does wonders!!! I got neon pink nail polish on a light grey couch and it came out instantly
maybe you should think about trimming the carpet..enh enh
Shaving cream works, I've die it before, it got lack nail polish out if a white couch, GOOD LUCK
Ugh, five year olds can be such a pain. That really sucks, OP. I hope you make your kid help clean it up. I know it probably won't do any good but kids need to learn they can't just make horrible messes everywhere and expect their parents to clean it up every time.
And this is why we should still be able to hit our children
Ydi for having shag! Lmao, jk. That sucks
Use a rough sponge and acetone to lift then use oxy clean to finish. if nothing take it to get cleaned.
Windex might help... I think it's the ammonia that does it so if you have the ammonia free kind it won't work. Just straight up plain regular original windex... Blot as you would with other chemicals... I accidentally knocked a bottle of hot pink off a table onto my roommates rug... She never even noticed after windex!
In secret? You should have that stuff hidden or out if reach. What if she ingested it??
But do her nails look good?
Paint thinner.