By shoelace18 - 06/09/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, my 5 year old swallowed her loose tooth, which she was going put under her pillow for the toothfairy. My wife then told her 'what goes in must come out'. And now everytime she does number 2, she makes me dig for her lost tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 885
You deserved it 5 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's 5 and your how old? how can she make you do anything? get a grip.

I don't know what to think, here. Either that's love, or that's just demeaning. This could be the first time she learns about loss, if you stop right now.


ditzykayla 0

Yeah when I was little I lost my tooth at kindergarten. My grandma told me all I had to do was write a note to explain and the toothfairy would still these days are so demanding, and ungreatful. My little brother complained because he only got ten dollars from the tooth fairy.....psh I was lucky to get two.

Grow some balls and learn to say no. I've never heard anything more pathetic.

Why not just have her go to bed holding a pillow over her stomach???? The tooth will still technically be under the pillow! If she believes a fairy is going to give her money for a tooth left under a pillow, surely she won't have a problem believing that it still counts if the tooth is in her belly under the pillow.

Violet_Grace 0

A loving father would do anything for his child. Yeah, it's gross, but if it makes his child happy, then he deserves to be father of the year!

WoodyInNY 0

This is why you SAVE her old teeth. The you wait a day or two, pretend to be looking, then one time pull the pocketed tooth out and say "found it!"

dELiA14 0

u know it probably dissolved in the stomach acid? haha ur a moron :)

Why would you do that? You're being commanded to dig through poo by a 5 year old! I swallowed a loose tooth when I was 4, and my parents told me to write a letter to the tooth fairy. It worked! I found two quarters and a responding note under my pillow in the morning. You could try that next time lol. Then you don't have to dig through anything.

#45, u need to read cause it says SHE makes me dig 4 my daughters tooth