By shoelace18 - 06/09/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, my 5 year old swallowed her loose tooth, which she was going put under her pillow for the toothfairy. My wife then told her 'what goes in must come out'. And now everytime she does number 2, she makes me dig for her lost tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 885
You deserved it 5 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's 5 and your how old? how can she make you do anything? get a grip.

I don't know what to think, here. Either that's love, or that's just demeaning. This could be the first time she learns about loss, if you stop right now.


LOL!!!! y dont u give the kid 5 bucks and tell her to get on with her life, she's gonna no someday that the tooth fairy wont come

is it your daughter or wife that makes you look? either way, you should really stop:| tell your kid, that the toothfairy will come next time, and bring double, or whatever, but you can't let people always control youu. at least this proves you obviously really love her:) when your digging through shit, it's gone too far lol

YDI for lying to your kid about the tooth fairy

it's true. the fact that you're willing to go to such disgusting lengths to maintain a lie... man, if you'll do that for such a stupid stupid stupid little lie, how are they ever going to trust you?

bodneyy 0

haha, your wife sucks. tell the kid the tooth fairy took it and give her a quarter. or tell her there is no tooth fairy.

Exlibris 0

Good time for you to learn a lesson "when to say 'no' to your kids". Just tell her the tooth fairy knows when she losses her teeth no matter if the tooth is under her pillow or not. If you wait a couple days and then put a quarter under her pillow she will assume it came out and the tooth fairy came and got it.

tomakobriefs 11

YDI. Just tell your kid that HEY, TOOTH FAIRY ISN"T REAL! End of problem.

DogFun 0

When I was a kid, my parents never told me anything about a Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunner. For the tooth fairy they just said "It's a tradition to give someone money when they lost a tooth." It's time to bring your 5 year old to reality. Tell her that the tooth fairy is a lie.

omg when I was a kid, this happened to me. The tooth never appeared. ):

bubbarific 0

the tooth isnt goin to come out of the shit looking fresh and clean especially not after goin thru the digestive system