By Stumble - 17/01/2010 04:43 - United States

Today, my 6-year-old cousin came to my door, demanding canned food. I asked him what for, and he said, "Dad said I needed them for a school project." I said all right, and he started raiding my pantry. I was left with only green beans. He stole all my Spaghetti O's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 342
You deserved it 27 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummmm... what? You're surprised because a six year old took Spaghetti-O's and left the green beans? Really?

technically he didn't steal anything since you said it was alright.


Wow. is the human population becoming more stupid each day?

GLiTTeRz 0

that's why I hide all my good shit in my room fagit

odd the only two things in your pantry are spagetti O's and green beans

Does anyone remember the "where's waldo" spaghetti o's? They were so badass.

BBoureaux 8
BitchSoEpic 0

Wow. No Spaghetti O's? End of the world. Some people have bigger problems than missing pasta.

awwwwwwwwwww. six year olds are so cute. I have one so I know what you are going through. you have to admit that it is adorable.