By UngratefulBrat - 28/12/2012 07:03 - United States - New York

Today, my 6-year-old nephew opened his Christmas gift. The first words out of his mouth were, "This is cheap." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 663
You deserved it 6 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what else is cheaper? No gift at all. See how much he likes that.

I'd take it back and say " ok nothing for you then"


That's when you reply 'Just like your mother' Giggle, flick your hair, and walk away.

why are there so many ydi votes? this isn't OP's child, how can they deserve it? Blame the parents of the child.

Apparently a lot of people don't understand the word 'nephew'.

OP deserves it for getting their nephew a cheap gift :P

Wow, nice to see that children know the real meaning of Christmas these days..

He's 6, so he probably believes in Santa. Just tell him that Santa is the cheap bastard, not you.

Unless some asshole on a bus told him Santa wasn't real.

whenever my kids seem ungrateful for gifts, the first thing I do is take all the gits away and donate them to charities. Amazingly, they never seem ungrateful after the first time that happens

Seems someone's in need of a backhand!

Yes, but I don't have time to give it to you right now.

Yes, because backhanding your nephew is normal and accepted.

Have a big talk with your brother or sister about his lack of respect!

You should have replied "your mums cheap". Wait...nevermind.