By UngratefulBrat - 28/12/2012 07:03 - United States - New York

Today, my 6-year-old nephew opened his Christmas gift. The first words out of his mouth were, "This is cheap." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 663
You deserved it 6 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what else is cheaper? No gift at all. See how much he likes that.

I'd take it back and say " ok nothing for you then"


Exactly what I was thinking. I would take it back. He doesn't deserve it.

My niece has done the same thing the with her last two presents. She felt her birthday present (A Canon Sure Shot camera, not the cheap one) was "A little cheap for her 16th" and her Christmas present this year (An iPad mini) was "No big deal" imagine her suprise when they went to leave the house and her gift was missing. It's now in the hands of our neighbor's son (the neighbor that was laid off when the company he worked for went under) and he can't stop thanking us. Guess what the next present our niece will get from us will be... NOTHING. I suggest you do the same.

All my respect to you, both for not letting her get away with her behaviour and for making your neighbour's Christmas!

I would b ecstatic if my neighbour did that for me.. If go out and get him a present, maybe not of similar value cuz ur neighbour just got laid off like u said.. But I would make the effort at least

OrangeKnife 10

Wow you are a very kind and brave person. Most people would take it for themselves. All respect to you! :|

Good for you! If more people did this, we wouldn't have so many ungrateful, spoiled brats!

1dvs_bstd 41

That is total class! Hats off.

Your niece is really lucky!! I'd give anything for an iPad mini!

doglover100 28

I like what you did. I bet your neighbor really appreciated the ipad. I wouldn't give her anything anymore.

Mister_Triangle 21

Not necessarily. Kids aren't known for their tact or word choice. He could have meant any number of things by it.

Schizomaniac 24

That's when you match his "This is cheap" with a "This is Sparta" and front kick the little ******. Damn ingrate.

perdix 29

Say, "No, I overpaid a lot for this piece of shit to make it look like I care."

Am I the only one who wonders what the gift was?

He told it like he saw it! Outta the mouths of babes!!

Kids these days are just spoiled… sorry OP

first I'd kick your brother/sister in the ass... then take away the gift and tell him, well this is nothing.