By Missyangel - 31/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, my 7 year-old looked at me and stated, "When I grow up Mommy I want to be fat just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 374
You deserved it 11 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your kid is setting attainable, realistic goals. Very good for a 7-year-old!

So. Your kid likes your hugs. And sees you as a rolemodel. That is not an FML, unless you never before realized you're fat, in wich case you're probably not too smart.


Oh well, at least she wants to be like you.. for the rest.. you are the example for your kid..

Everyone who says "YDI for being fat" is pathetic. Shallow bitches who can't even spell or write correctly. I'm not even fat, but you need to shut up.

Derek321 2

You have been in control of your weight for your whole life. This is not some crazy, random, unfortunate act that signifies how f'd up your life is. Sad to say but most likely your daughter is merely stating the obvious about your appearance. Hopefully you will change your unhealthy lifestyle, seeing that your daughter might imitate you. -Ty

neon_teardrops 0

Haha I can't believe it! My sister said the exact same thing to my mom when she was younger XD

BrownSugar_fml 5

Poor kid, perhaps you should explain that mommy doesn't like being fat and that he/she should be better than mommy. Also, you might wanna make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle... if not for yourself then for your child's sake. Goodluck, and happy new year. p.s. this is usually the time when gym memberships have discounts ;)

Look at the bright side: at least she has a dream! =D

Being fat is a disease. If the woman feels that that is a FUCKMYLIFE fact that her child stated that she wants to be like her... then she should start doing something! I know that there are skinny people... and some people that have some weight... but being obese is not normal. Most of americans think that being obese is something super normal... and people shouldn't judge them. I don't say that everyone should be skinny... I'm not skinny... but I'm not fat at all... neither obese.... but is a freaking disease!... wtf??... That poor kid shouldnt have a goal for the future to be fat as her mom... being abnormally fat is not cool... is not supposed to be a goal in life. Yeah the kid is 7 year old.. so the mom should do something because is something that makes her feel that her life is ******. TIME TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT... or at least teach your kid that she should care about her health... and not be TOOOOOOOO fat.

well, you don't hear that one too often, usually they don'tttt want to be fat.