By Missyangel - 31/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, my 7 year-old looked at me and stated, "When I grow up Mommy I want to be fat just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 374
You deserved it 11 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your kid is setting attainable, realistic goals. Very good for a 7-year-old!

So. Your kid likes your hugs. And sees you as a rolemodel. That is not an FML, unless you never before realized you're fat, in wich case you're probably not too smart.


mj2123 0

Being fat isn't some horrible character flaw, nor is it a sign that someone is lazy, eats poorly, or doesn't exercise. It's just one aspect of some people. If we can accept that some people are naturally thin then why is it so difficult to accept that others are naturally fat? Being called fat isn't a sign that you should do anything about your weight - especially not by a 7 year old who clearly loves his/her mother the way she is.

who the **** cares? i hate these fat fmls.. if you dont want to be fat do something about it.. and your kids looking up to you.. he didnt mean to insult you!

kujo7 0
solid_neo 0

YDI for being a fatty fat fatty :P

Stop complaining; get off of your lazy ass; go to the gym. Your seven year old shouldn't have to tell you you're fat unless you're in extreme denial. YDI.

girlygirl666 you are seriously the most ignorant person I have ever seen post on FML. Not all fat people are fat because the 'Eat like a friggin pig' some people are fat because of REAL medical issues. Also did you know that what you eat while pregnant can affect the childs metabolism later in life? Seriously you sound so naive saying that fat people are ONLY fat because they stuff their faces. Next time think before you open your mouth.

girlygirl666 0

I did think before I opened my mouth. If more people did that, there wouldn't be so many fat people. Calm * hands fat girl a big mac*

So....anyone who argues with you or doesn't share your opinion is fat? Damn good God, what are they teaching in schools these days? Obviously not logic!

That's true. I never had ONE class in logic when I was in school. I had "critical thinking" when I got to college, but even that was elective.

I love how FMLs like this always bring up a debate.

I have never clicked on the FML comments before, but honestly now I'm surprised. Some of you are the most cruel and judgmental people I have ever seen. #24? #36? You know nothing about this woman and whether or not she has a medical condition. And even if she doesn't, why the hell do you care if she's fat? She's still a person and her weight really isn't your problem. Do you call people in real life "fatty fat fattys", too? Get a life and stop mocking this poor woman over the internet. Having your own kid point out your flaws is disconcerting, even if they don't mean it to be an insult.

Guess what, in real life, I get called "skinny" by EVERYONE. People who don't know me and know me, strangers on the street, people that see me in public... everyone feels the need to tell me to "OMG EAT SOMETHING YOU'RE SO SKINNY I COULD SNAP YOU HAR HAR HAR." So why would fat people get butthurt when other tell them, "OMG STOP EATING YOU'RE FAT IF YOU SAT ON ME I'D PANCAKE HAR HAR." *rolls eyes

Everyone who says YDI is pretty much saying "YDI for being poor." You can find a job, but what if you can't get a job because you're not talented? It's most likely not the OP's fault.

mina_8 0

It's probably no big deal. My little brother says everyone is fat. Besides, at least he thinks it's a good thing about you.