By Missyangel - 31/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, my 7 year-old looked at me and stated, "When I grow up Mommy I want to be fat just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 374
You deserved it 11 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your kid is setting attainable, realistic goals. Very good for a 7-year-old!

So. Your kid likes your hugs. And sees you as a rolemodel. That is not an FML, unless you never before realized you're fat, in wich case you're probably not too smart.


It should be written American's or America you ignorant smelly retard .

actually, it should be 'Americans'. guess we know who the ignorant one is.

Then it would be "Americans is fat", and unless your name is George W Bush, that sort of grammar isn't acceptable. It should be "Americans are fat" or "America is fat".

Spac3Ghost 0

i love love love how everyone gets it wrong =) wow... might as well say "america's are for to being very much fatful" =) (sorry =) thought i'd add in some south african humor talk there...not funny? no? ok...) go number 31!!!! =)

I was still closer than he was assholes lol

maybe the only reason she's fat is coz she's too busy working and looking after kids, so she doesn't have time to work out. gosh don't cut to conclusions about the OP being a lazy slob.

girlygirl666 0

Yeah, but not too busy to feed her fat face. Why do fat people make so many excuses to forgive themselves for being fat? I would love to hear a fatass just once say, " yeah, ya know what? I'm fat because I eat like a friggen pig, and I'm too damn lazy to work out. I know it's gross, maybe someday I'll do something about it." Then I at least could appreciate the honesty, and I would respect the person for that.

girlygirl666 0

Ooh, I pissed off the fat girls....hahaha Yeah, I read them. The percentage of people with these medical conditions is so minute compared to the percentage of fat people. If so many fat people didn't over-use these escuses, people like me wouldn't be so tired of hearing them. Btw- I'd happily compare IQ's you.

girlygirl666 0

Edit-the rest of my comment was left out... It was " I'd be happy to compare IQ's with you Fatass...."

Nice going, oh mindless and drooling one! I'm not fat, nice try. My weight is on the lower side of average for my height and level of physical activity. By the way, assuming someone is fat because they're tearing down your poorly-reasoned, hate-based argument is just idiotic. Get a life, invest in a brain and a bit of maturity, and come back here after your mommy changes your diaper. Okay there, little mewling infant?

If by lower than average... (the average American that doesn't walk).. you're still pretty fat then. hahahaha. 64% of Americans are obese. Yeah, don't even try to spew out some pseudo-intellectual reply justifying this or defending your hurt ego because I said you're probably fat. There is no way in hell that the majority of these people have real reasons to be fat. "Medical problems. Metabolic disorders, such as low thyroid function or hormonal imbalances, account only for fewer than 2 percent of all cases of obesity."

why do you have so much of a problem with fat people? it's ridiculous.

Lower than average means "towards the underweight side of the BMI chart". Higher than average means "towards the overweight side of the BMI chart". Reading comprehension, darling. Work on it. I'm 5'4" and 115 pounds. That is within a healthy BMI range, towards the lower end of the scale. Meaning that while my weight is average for my height, it is not exactly in the middle of that average area. Durrrrrrrrr.

fretforyerlatte 0

ohh, kids. they love you no matter what.

I can't wait for a 7 year old girl to say "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a hormonal bitch who sleeps with different men each night, just like you!"

I think your kid meant that you are not fat, and that he wants to be not fat, just like you.

Spac3Ghost 0

im sorry #16, but... whats it like on your planet!?

Everything is opposite, like WOAH!!!!!!! xD

>.>..... I was just trying to be nice, geez.

my brother wanted to be a janitor for like a month lol

when i was little, i told my parents i wanted to be a "restaurant girl" and work at mcdonald's. mcdonald's was my first job when i was sixteen...what a terrible job that was.

I was just like that, except when I was little I wanted to be Restaurant Girl at a Pizza Hut.

I wanted to be a butterfly but I hear the pay isn't that good.

its true, but at least you get to wear that bitchin uniform as a butterfly.

astory 0

Every kid wants to be a super hero. He wants to be Fatman.

Spac3Ghost 0

yur kid is so sweet =) at least he wants to be lke you so you wont be the only one =) oh wait.... you have the other 99% of americans... hahahahahahahahahaha aaaaaaaaah waka waka waka waka hehe hoho!!! ok im done... sorry =)

Your a bad rolemodel for your children. I hope this changes the way you look at yourself more seriously and how your behaviour and you appearance affect your kids. After all your child loves you and thinks your perfect. So it´s not a shock that maybe he/she wants to be just like you even in bad qualities.

YDI. Because fat always = YDI. I don't want to hear any of this "glandular" or "genetic" crap that sensitive fatties have been hiding behind forever. Fat = Calories = Food. And there is not a medical disorder that makes you go to Golden Corral and eat one third your weight in fried chicken and double chocolate brownies.

There are some diseases that cause weight gain in a sustainable amount that can not be shed. Thyroid problems lead to excessive weight gain and no matter how fit one is, and health a diet they will still be larger people. My friend has a thyroid problem, and takes medication. She rearly eats red meats, mostly greens. She walks and goes to the gym but is still very large. You can not say she has done it herself. You don't know enough, ass.

What #28 said. Also, some medications can cause weight gain that is completely unrelated to diet and exercise. My best friend is on anti-depressants and until her doctor figured out the right dose, she ballooned up to almost 200 pounds over the course of a few years (which is a lot for a person only 5'3" tall). She was eating a relatively healthy diet, and she still gained all that weight. Her doctor found the right dosage, et viola! She dropped down to 130 pounds in relatively short order. Food-based weight gain, yes, is inexcusable. Because unless your brain is miswired, you can control what and how often you eat. But other types of weight gain are often far more complicated than is let on about. Thyroid disorders, changes in medication, diabetes...there are a lot of things that can make a person tubby without them eating more than you or I would eat.

Spac3Ghost 0

No. I'm of an average weight for my height and level of physical activity.

Not particularly in respect to the rest of my country. Can't said that I am a skinny skinny bitch, but I don't have a front butt.

I love how you state, again, "No. I'm of an average weight for my height and level of physical activity." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. So if you're 6'5" & your level of physical activity is NIL, then your average weight is... FAT. ps. Like I posted before: "Metabolic disorders, such as low thyroid function or hormonal imbalances, account only for fewer than 2 percent of all cases of obesity." So yeah, with this in mind, it's a 98% chance that the OP is fat because she's lazy. I'd take that chance and tell the op SDI.

I was stating that my BMI number is within the healthy range, also factoring in physical activity (which most BMI calculations do not). If you can't understand that, then I suggest you make friends with google.

yeah i gained weight from medication that i actually didn't even need to be on, but i lost all that weight. but i was eating healthy and exercise and i kept gaining weight and it sucked. people made fun of me all the time for it, but now i lost the weight and they aren't laughing anymore. :) i never make fun of overweight or obese people, because you never know their whole story unless you personally know them. but i also have no sympathy for people who eat so much that they get huge, because they did that to themselves. but they are people who deserve to be treated as such, which many other people seem to forget.

imajinethat (#13) has the best profile picture ever. Oh, and YDI